Hot and fun facts about our coffeelicious beverage
Why Your Espresso Is Served With Sparkling Water
Espresso served with sparkling water is mainly done for two reasons: To cleanse your palate before & after drinking espresso, and to stay hydrated. Some
Why Are Coffee Beans Used In Perfume Stores?
Coffee beans found in perfume stores are used to “reset your smell”, also known as “clearing the palate.” The odor of coffee is a way
Can Fish Live (Or Breathe) In Coffee?
Can fish actually live in coffee? It’s a shower thought that has been on my mind since the last time I showered. You’d think not,
Can You Put Coffee Grounds In Cat Litter?
No, you can’t put coffee grounds in your cat’s litter box as this can stick to their paws and will be ingested this way when
Can Ferrets Have coffee or Eat Coffee Grounds?
NO, your ferret can’t consume coffee or anything caffeine related for that matter. Caffeine in a ferret’s body can cause harmful effects such as an
Can Hamsters Have Coffee or Eat Coffee Beans?
No, your beloved little hamster should not consume coffee or anything caffeine-related as they have fast metabolisms and rapid heart rates already. A little sip
Can Sheep Drink Coffee or Eat Coffee Grounds?
Sheep shouldn’t consume coffee (grounds) or anything caffeine related for that matter, as like all livestock animals. If you want to get rid of your
Can Bearded Dragons Have Coffee? All You Need To Know!
No, bearded dragons can’t have coffee. A little drop/sip won’t hurt them, but anything more than that can cause serious harm and can be lethal.
Can Fish Eat Coffee Grounds and Are They Attracted To it?
Fish are not supposed to eat coffee grounds as this contains caffeine and can be lethal, so it’s recommended to clean out your tank if
Can goats eat coffee grounds? What you need to know!
Coffee grounds or any source of caffeine needs to be kept away from your goats as their bodies are not made to consume it. Caffeine
Is a Coffee Plant Toxic To Cats?
The Coffee Tree is highly toxic to cats. Meanwhile, the Coffee Arabica plant’s leaves, bark, or sap are not toxic, but the coffee beans are.
Is coffee just bean soup? All you need to know!
Coffee is not bean soup. A soup is a liquid food that consists of poultry, fish, meat, and vegetables. Coffee beans are considered legumes and