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Coffee Beans To Grounds Ratio

The coffee beans to coffee grounds ratio is 1:1. This means that 1 cup of coffee beans should give you 1 cup of coffee grounds. However, sometimes coffee grounds can get stuck in your coffee grinder, and this may cause a slight variation. But, the general rule of thumb is that coffee beans converted to coffee grounds weigh the same.

A great-tasting cup of coffee needs fresh beans, and fresh coffee grounds. But how do you calculate the number of beans you need to get the right amount of coffee grounds?

This is important to calculate the amount of water you need afterward.

So, let’s have a look.

Golden Ratio Calculator

This section is for when you’ve read the article and need to come back to make some quick calculations for the golden ratio to get the perfect cup of coffee every time!

Simply change a measurement below to know how many beans, grams, and water you need to get a balanced flavor of coffee every single time.

The standard measurements below are for 1 cup of coffee with the Golden Ratio of 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds and a water ratio of 1:15.

Please rotate your device if the calculator below is displayed incorrectly.

Measuring Your Coffee Beans To Grounds Correctly

Measuring your coffee beans to get the correct ground ratio is one of the most essential things to create a good cup of joe and is done by volume or weight.

The two methods to do this are the volume and weighing scale methods. 

Let’s have a look at how they differ from each other.

Using The Volume Method To Measure

This method of measuring your coffee is not as accurate, yet a lot of people use it. The volume method focuses on, well, volume. Here you measure your coffee beans and ground coffee using tablespoons, cups, and other tools.

This means you’re playing a guessing game and your cup of coffee will taste different every time, especially if you’re guessing with the water ratio as well, which I’ll talk more about later in this article.

A good thing to keep in mind is that the volume of coffee, 2 tablespoons, 2 scoops, or 1 cup of coffee beans equals about the same amount of ground coffee.

Using The Weighing Scale Method To Measure

Generally, you should always measure your coffee beans using a proper scale, which is the most accurate way to get that delicious cup every time. 

If you don’t have a precision scale to measure your coffee beans then I recommend this one.

One of the reasons you should measure your coffee beans using a scale is so it brings you closer to the Speciality Coffee Association of America (SCAA) industry standard of brewing coffee.

Why You Should Measure Your Coffee Beans

No matter what method you choose, it’s important to measure your coffee beans as this has a massive impact on the taste, bitterness, acidity, and more.

Measuring Gives You The Coffee Beans To Grounds Ratio

Something to keep in mind is that the ratio of coffee beans and ground coffee is about 1:1. The ratio remains the same regardless of what measuring method you choose.

The standard size for a cup of coffee is 8 fl oz or 236 milliliters. If we stick by the Golden Ratio rule from the SCAA then it’s 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds per 8 fl oz.

It’s also important to note that coffee grounds may get a bit stuck into your coffee grinder, and this doesn’t make the ratio 1:1. So, make sure your coffee grinder is nice and clean. I’ll talk more about coffee grinders later in the article.

Measuring Gives You The Coffee To Water Ratio

The Golden Ratio for brewing coffee is 1:15 – 18 (1 gram of coffee to 15 – 18 milliliters of water) according to the Speciality Coffee Association of America (SCAA).

In American measurements, this translates from 0.035 ounces of coffee to 0.51 – 0.61 fl oz of water.

So, if we go back to the standard 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds (5.3 grams or 0.18 ounces per tbsp) per cup of coffee then you would need 159 milliliters or 5.37 fl oz of water. This is a ratio of 1:15.

Make sure you always have a liquid measuring cup nearby so you can measure just the right amount of water every time.

How Many Grams of Coffee Per Cup Is Okay?

It varies greatly how many grams of coffee you should add to your cup of coffee.

In general, we follow the Golden Ratio rule, where it’s around 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds, and each tablespoon has around 5.3 grams. So in total 10.6 grams or 0.36 ounces per cup of coffee.

Does this mean you can’t add more or fewer coffee grounds? No.

You can add as many coffee grounds as you like, but just make sure that you even it out with a ratio of 1:15. It will make your coffee taste a lot more balanced, even if it has more caffeine in it.

How Your Coffee Coffee Beans Determine The Quality Of Your Cup

The way you grind your beans determines what flavors you will get out of your cup. From when you grind beans, to grinding size, how clean your grinder is, and even the age of your beans play a huge role in making the perfect cup of joe.

Coffee Bean Grinders

Coffee grinders are one of those tools that you just need in order to make great coffee.

Here you have two options; blade or burr grinders.

Let’s look at the differences between the two.

  • Blade Grinder: A blade grinder, literally has a blade, like the ones you can find in a blender. It grinds coffee beans but it’s not consistent in grinding. You may get bigger clumps than other pieces and so it’s not recommended if you’re after good consistent coffee grounds.
  • Burr Grinder: A burr grinder has two burrs/metals that grind against each other in order to create consistent ground coffee. It also has the ability to change the grind size if you want something finer or coarser. A burr grinder, in combination with a good precision scale, is going to give you the best results and a fantastic cup of coffee.

If you’re looking for a great coffee bean burr grinder then I highly recommend this one from OXO which doesn’t break the bank and is actually very quiet as well if you don’t like noisy things.

When To Grind Your Beans

You should never grind beans way before brewing since they will lose flavor and aroma.

It’s always recommended to grind your beans just right before you’re going to brew a cup as this ensures all the flavors, aromas acids, and oils are released as you grind the beans.

Ground Coffee Beans Sizes

The ground size of your coffee beans is very important as well of course. Using a burr grinder as I mentioned above is the best way to get consistent ground coffee beans.

But what are some of the different types of grind sizes and how do they differ from each other?

Let’s have a look.

Fine Grind: This grind size has a very smooth texture and is similar to table salt or sand. This type of size is usually used for espresso or drip coffee makers with a cone-shaped filter.

Medium Grind: This grind size has actually visible flakes and a grainy texture. It’s mostly used for pour-over coffee and drip coffee with a coffee filter at the bottom.

Coarse Grind: This type of grind looks like big salt flakes. It’s perfect to brew with this grind using a percolator or french press.

Keep Your Coffee Beans Fresh

Another reason for poor coffee quality is the actual age of your coffee beans.

You should always use coffee beans that were roasted within the last month, and believe me or not but this is a huge game-changer.

If you use coffee beans that have been sitting around for months then it’s time to throw them out as they lose their flavor and aroma quite quickly.

So the moral of the story is don’t sit on your old beans!

How Important is Water For Your Coffee?

Yes, the water you use for your cup of coffee plays another big role in making that tasty cup of joe.

That’s because things like minerals you can find in water can play around with your coffee.

Suggested Read: Can I use Tap Water For Coffee?

The Best Water For Brewing Coffee

One of the best and easiest ways to ensure good water for your coffee is to simply use tap water with a Brita or Pur filter on it.

This filter gets rid of minerals that reduce acidity, such as chlorine and it purifies the water.

It’s inexpensive and works like a charm.

The Perfect Water Temperature For Brewing Coffee

As you may know, or not, is that the ideal water temperature for brewing coffee is between 91°C – 96°C (195°F – 205°F), which is slightly below boiling point.

The water temperature affects your coffee flavors, aromas, oils, and more.

Extremely hot water will burn the beans and make them more bitter, and if the temperature is too low it will lead to a sour and milder taste.

This is why it’s important to stay between the temperature ranges to get the ideal cup.

The Bottom Line

So, what do you need to remember from this article? Well, that coffee beans to grounds have a ratio of 1:1.

This means 1 cup of coffee beans equals 1 cup of ground coffee.

Besides that, if you want to stick to the Golden Ratio rule of brewing delicious coffee, then remember the 1:15 rule (1 gram of coffee and 15 milliliters of water). This standard helps you balance water, brewing, taste, and caffeine.

Happy caffeinating!

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